Comfort Station, Chicago IL
November 6 – December 5, 2021
The work continues the collective and prompted efforts of Alden Burke, Caroline Dahlberg, Mariel Harari, Azalea Henderson, Stephanie Koch, and Maggie Wong.
What is a prompt?
A prompt is an invitation to ease into entanglements, a generous permission to act, a container to explore a stretch in thought, a resurrected memory.
A prompt is an instruction. A prompt as a transition, bringing us to another space, another other, another self. A prompt as a thought experiment, as sensorial vibrancy, as a meeting of the unexpected. A stretch in thought, the resurrected memory. A prompt also asks: What is at stake, what tools are needed for vulnerability?
A prompt can move us. Find a utensil—trace the lengths of your arms; ask someone to trace the length of your arms; ask if you can trace the length of theirs; offer to trace them into the sky; ask if they might do the same for you.
A prompt contains self-reflection. Always around the corner is a world of people outside with which to build our collaboration. In becoming research, when we build from prompts, when we work from our conditions, how do we share and reperform with an audience? What are the limits?
Review of UTENSIL: Annas’ Exhibition at Comfort Station, By Ally Fouts for Sixty Inches from Center, February 2022.